January 9, 2020

1. Boudoir is about Confidence
You might be thinking of booking a boudoir session as a gift for your significant other or to document a significant moment in your life, but don’t forget that a boudoir session ought to ultimately be for yourself. Your boudoir session should make you feel like your best self. As the center of an art piece, you are literally a living painting on the day of your photo-shoot. Own your beauty and be confident in who you are! Make-up is fun and I love the artistry behind it. I totally understand why wearing makeup to your session would be at the top of your list, but if not wearing makeup is a true fear and insecurity you have, consider leaving the make-up behind. You are already leaving your clothes behind in exchange for some self-love, doesn’t your face deserve the same? Consider going barefaced.

2. I believe facial positivity is as important as body positivity
Body-positivity has become a huge trend on social media. Many companies, like Aerie, have made size inclusive a top priority in their branding. Of course, I think this is remarkable. I am thrilled with empowerment becoming a trend and normalized. Doesn’t the body, however, include your face? For some, skin-positivity can be a more difficult task. Boudoir is all about taking off your clothes in exchange for some realness, because we want to rid ourselves of the lies society has given us. Throughout my life I have experienced being critical of not only my body but of my skin. I’ve never had the money for braces so my teeth aren’t “perfect”. I’ve struggled with acne off and on during my adult life which has always crippled my self confidence. Back before full eyebrows was deemed attractive, I would wax the shit out of them, because I thought they were bushy and ugly. There was a day I finally looked at myself in the mirror and stopped wearing make-up for a week. It was really hard and I felt ugly for the first few days, but then I realized that no one noticed I wasn’t wearing any makeup. I embraced my face and started to see myself again. Now that it’s been many years since then, I do wear make-up, but not everyday. I believe making a daily effort to accept how I look naturally has contributed to my self acceptance. Body-positivity ought to include your face. If you feel like you can’t go without make-up, maybe it’s time to shed your mask just like your clothes.

3. Embracing being Barefaced
This is way easier said than done, especially if you’ve ever struggled with acne or other skin conditions. I feel like we are pressured to wear makeup to “cover imperfections”, but what’s so horrible about “imperfections” to begin with? We all have them and the sooner we normalize this idea, the sooner we can stop hiding behind masks. Like I stated before, I absolutely love make-up as a hobby, an art form, for fun, and for enhancing natural features, but the moment it becomes what makes you feel “good enough” for society, I think it becomes toxic. Embrace your face, because you are the only one wearing it! If not wearing any make-up is a bit too much too soon, consider trading in foundation for concealer and adopt the mentality of “less is more”. All faces are beautiful and I love using photography to help you see just how beautiful yours is. So, let’s embrace your body and your skin during your next boudoir photo session.